De Samenhang tussen Controlerend Opvoedgedrag van Ouders en de Sociale Competentie van Kleuters, en Sekseverschillen van Ouders hierin.
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Voortman, W.
Leijssenaar, S.
Breddels, Y.
Hedel, S.L. van
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Aim. This study examined the relationship between controlling parenting behavior and social competence of children at school entry and potential moderating effects of parent gender. Controlling parenting behavior includes positive discipline (induction and positive reinforcement), negative control and psychological control. Method. Parents (n=391) with one child in the age of 4-6 years and at least one other child participated in this study. Data was acquired using the parenting (CECPAQ) and social competence (CSBE-30) questionnaires which were filled in online by both parents. A multiple regression analysis and Fisher’s z-analysis were conducted in order to answer the research questions. Results. Results indicate that social competence of children correlates significantly with induction and positive reinforcement of mothers and induction of fathers. A significant relationship between negative control of father and social competence of children was found, but no significant relationship between positive reinforcement of father, negative control of mother and psychological control of both parents. There were no gender differences for any of the aspects of controlling parenting behavior in relation to social competence of children. Conclusion. Some, but not all aspects of controlling parenting behavior influence social competence of children at school entry. Future research should include the child’s perspective and objective measurements as observations to gain a more comprehensive assessment of parenting. Also, longitudinal research would contribute to better understanding of influence of parenting behavior on development of social competence over time.