Wat is het effect van de kwaliteit van de siblingrelatie op het externaliserend probleemgedrag van vroeg-adolescenten en zijn daarin verschillen tussen de sekse-combinaties?
In this study we tried to answer the question what the effect is of quality of the sibling relation (warmth/closeness, relative status/power and conflict) on externalizing problem behaviour of early adolescents. An additional question was if there were differences between gender combinations (sisters, brothers and mixed-sex sibling pairs) in these effects. The research showed that relative status/power has a negative connection with externalizing problem behaviour. Conflict has a positive connection with externalizing problem behaviour. Sisters scored the highest on warmth/closeness, which means that they have a warmer sibling relationship than brothers and mixed-sex sibling pairs. Furthermore, brothers had a significant higher score on conflict than sisters. There are differences between the three gender combinations with regard to the effect of quality of the sibling relation on externalizing problem behaviour. Firstly, the effect of relative status/power on externalizing problem behaviour is higher for brothers than for sisters and mixed-sex sibling pairs. Secondly, the effect of conflict on externalizing problem behaviour is higher for brothers and sisters than for mixed-sex sibling pairs.
The results of this research show that quality of the sibling relation is an important predictor of externalizing problem behaviour. More knowledge about this subject is important for the field of prevention.