Q-fever in de omgeving: Coxiella burnetii in stof en mest op melkgeitenbedrijven
Q fever is a zoonosis caused by Coxiella burnetii. Humans become mostly infected by inhalation of the bacteria. The bacteria can be present in manure and dust. In this trial, on eight dairy goat farms, five Q-fever negative farms and three Q-fever positive farms, the presence of C. burnetii in the manure at different layers of the deep litter stable was investigated by a quantitative multiplex real-time PCR. The farms were subdivided as positive and negative based on abortion rate and result of post mortems. The presence of C. burnetii in dust at the goat farms and in the environment of the goat farms was also investigated. C. burnetii was present in all layers of the deep litter stable, in fresh and older manure. There were also positive samples found at two negative farms. In many of the dust samples C. burnetii was also found. Further studies are needed into the survival of the bacteria in manure and dust to get a better impression of the possible danger of the presence of C. burnetii in the environment.