Who is in charge? “A study about motivations for, and effectivity from level of community involvement in decision-making in joint venture CBT-projects in SA”
This master thesis focusses on privately initiated community-based tourism (CBT) projects in South Africa (SA) that have a joint venture (JV) as a business structure. Development of this type of businesses is caused by a more decentralized conservation approach and the high potential of wildlife tourism in SA. JVs consist of two parties, a local community and private entrepreneur(s), who together own a company. This study considers a 50/50% JV CBT- project, who set up a bush camp in Mpumalanga, SA.
The study consists of two stages, the first stage is designed to identify which factors can determine the level of community involvement in decision-making. It was concluded that the business structure (JV) is an appropriate method for high involvement, because the community has the legal right to be involved in decision-making. Although, a JV does not always have to imply a high level of involvement in decision-making. The level of community involvement in decision-making in the case study can be regarded as a partnership. Several motivations to be involved in the JV have been identified. The community members identified economic benefit as important, therefore a JV is an interesting structure. Because the community is shareholder, they can earn more money by working hard as the value of their shares will increase. In addition, sense of ownership was identified as important determinant. The JV structure made the community members co-owners of the project, what enhanced the sense of ownership. Furthermore, trust was recognized as important for community involvement in the JV. Trust might especially be important, because the community invested their own money.
The second stage is designed to examine the relation between the level of local community involvement (partnership) and the effectiveness of the project. The most important benefits are: employment, indirect revenue distribution, intercultural relations, and training and skills. Training and skills are the only benefits that are correlated with the level of community involvement in decision-making. Some members of the community are highly involved in decision-making, therefore they learn how to run a business. Through high involvement in decision-making the members learn what they have to consider when making an important decision for a business. It can be concluded that this is a very valuable type of benefit. If the community members are able to run a company themselves, this will highly empower them, and make them financially independent.