De levensbeschouwelijke speelplaats. Een onderzoek naar de inter-levensbeschouwelijke dialoog in het secundair onderwijs
This master thesis is about the dialogue between worldviews in the Dutch secondary school system. In Dutch, this dialogue is called the inter-levensbeschouwelijke dialoog in het secundair onderwijs. The title of the thesis can be translated as follows: the playground of worldviews. This title is chosen because, in the eyes of the author, the characteristics of the dialogue are the same as that of a playground.
The main question in the thesis is twofold. For that reason the thesis exists of two parts. The first part contains a literature study. The leading question in this part is: what is the importance of the dialogue between worldviews in the secondary school system. Successively the following subject are discussed.
The first chapter is about the worldview of modern humans. In the Dutch literature there is no clear distinction between the concepts of levensbeschouwing (worldview) religie (religion in the broad way) and godsdienst (religions with a concept of the transcendent). So, in the first place these terms are explored. Further on, there is a discussion about the term modernity and the transformation of religion. Also the way worldviews are constructed these days and the new Islamic pillar in the Dutch society are discussed.
In the second chapter the dialogue between worldviews is discussed. The chapter contains a characterisation of this dialogue. Also, some threats concerning the dialogue are discussed. The first is reification, the second is double standards. The different ways in which the dialogue can appear are originating from V. Küster. He distinguished three different ways in which the dialogue can occur. The first is called the dialogue of life, this is the daily way in which the dialogue occurs. The second is called the dialogue of the mind. It is about the discussion and debate. The third is called the dialogue of the hart, this way of dialogue is about spiritual moments.
The third chapter discusses the role of worldview in the Dutch secondary schools. In this chapter, the present day situation is reproduced. Article 23 and the identity development of children are discussed. Finally, there is a paragraph about school identity.
The last chapter of part one, is about the importance of the dialogue between different worldviews in the secondary schools. Two points of importance are distinguished. In the first place the personal importance is discussed. The dialogue can lead to a personal awakening of the worldview. Besides this, it can play a helpful role in developing the personal worldview. The second distinguished point, is the social importance. Also two points can be distinguished here. In the first place the dialogue can lead to a better understanding of each other. In the second place, the dialogue can achieve a greater tolerance in the society.
The second part of the thesis consist of an empirical research. The leading question is how the dialogue takes place in the secondary schools. In the first place the influence of the school on the dialogue is discussed. In the second place, the influence of the kind of worldview, religious or secular, on the dialogue is discussed.
Two points determined the types of school. The first point was the compilation of the worldviews the student have. Two ways of compilations were distinguished. The first is a homogeneous population of worldviews, the second is a multiform population of worldviews. The second point is the presence of religious education in the curriculum of the school. Finally, three types of schools are distinguished. One homogenous school were religious education took place. One multiform school were religious education took place, and finally a multiform school without religious education.
The empirical research is held on three different secondary schools in the city of Veenendaal. An inquiry was set up under the students of the school. In each school, a fourth havo and a fourth vwo class was inquired. In total, 117 inquiries were analysed. The teachers of the students were interviewed, to add a qualitative aspect to the quantitative research.
At the end, the conclusions are made up. There are some discussions add to the conclusions. Also some suggestions for further research are made up. Some of the most interesting conclusion are that the type of school does not have a very large effect on the way the dialogue is held. In contrast with this, the worldview of the student is of importance for the way the dialogue occurs. Next to that, worldview seems to play a small part in the identity of the students. For that reason worldview is not of great importance and is disturbing for them.