Ryegrass staggers in The Netherlands
Ryegrass staggers is a syndrome caused by Lolitrem B, a mycotoxin produced by the endophyte Neotyphodium lolli in horses and ruminants. Clinical signs of the disease in horses are tremors, head shaking, incoordination, staggering, swaying gait, unstable standing and fasciculations of the neck and limbs. The aim of the study was to gain a better insight of the risk of Lolitrem B exposure and adverse effects in horses, with special emphasis on the situation in Netherlands. To this end the literature was reviewed and data from the analysis of hay samples were compiled. Results show that the risk of a lolitrem B intoxication is low in The Netherlands, and confined to individual cases in late autumn. However, Lolitrem intoxications remains an important differential diagnosis in daily equine practice having in contrast to other neurological diseases a very good prognosis for entire recovery of the affected animal.