18-/18+ Jongeren die opgroeien vanuit jeugdzorg naar zelfstandigheid: de overgang van Jeugdwet naar de Wet Maatschappelijke Ondersteuning
The transition from adolescents out of childcare into adultcare, is not going smoothly. This leads to a fallout of these still vulnerable adolescents. This study investigates, whether cooperation and continuity, in both home as social worker, could improve this transition and could prevent the fallout of adolescents. Therefore Spirit (childcare) and HVO-Querido (adultcare) combined their expertise on this field. The main focus was on the basic needs of the adolescents. The effect of the cooperation and continuity on the adolescents and the experiences of the social workers was investigated. A group of eighteen adolescents and four social workers were involved in this study. Both groups were interviewed, the files of the adolescents were analysed and a questionnaire was used. The results showed that the continuity had a positive effect on the adolescents. They experienced more stability which allowed them to actually develop themselves and work on their problems. The social workers recognize these advantages. They are of the opinion that all adolescents should be able to benefit from this approach. The actual cooperation of Spirit and HVO-Querido should be further expanded, to make better use of each other’s knowledge and capacities.