De relatie tussen getalbegrip en sociaaleconomische status bij kleuters
Background: This study examined the influence of the socioeconomic status on the development of early numeracy skills in the Netherlands, drawing on a sample of 40 children between the ages of four and six. To research this, the moderating effects of age and gender were examined as well. Methods: The numeracy of 40 children in the age range of four to six years was assessed using the Utrecht Early Numeracy Test (ENT). Parents completed a questionnaire about the socioeconomic status of the family. Results: Socioeconomic status did not have a significant effect on the early numeracy skills. Gender did not have a moderating effect on the early numeracy skills. A significant correlation was found between age and the early numeracy skills. Age also played a moderating role in the relation between socioeconomic status and the early numeracy skills. Conclusion and discussion: Socioeconomic status did not play a role in the development of early numeracy skills. This is contradictory to the existing literature and may be caused by the limitations of this thesis. Gender did not influence the development of the early numeracy skills. There is no consensus about this in the literature. Age plays a significant role in the development of early numeracy skills. This may be due to the amount of education the child has had. Limitations and strengths of this research and suggestions for future research are given.