De relatie tussen het werkgeheugen en een positieve leerkracht-leerling relatie bij kinderen van vier-zes jaar.
Background. This is a cross-sectional study where quantitative data has been collected. Aim. The aim of this study is to investigate the relationship between working memory and the social relationship between teachers and preschoolers. Method. In this cross-sectional study 212 children and 29 teachers participated. The Digit Span backward test was used to measure verbal working memory. The Odd-one-out testwas used to measure visuo-spatial working memory. The teacher-child relationship was measured using the ‘Leerkracht Leerling Relatie Vragenlijst’. Results. A higher positive teacher-child relationship was related to increases in both verbal and visuo-spatial working memory. Conclusion. These results suggest that a positive teacher-child relationship has a positive relation with both children’s verbal and visuo-spatial working memory.