Het Verband tussen de Leerkracht-leerling Relatie met het Inhiberend Vermogen en Verbale Werkgeheugen bij Kleuters
The first aim of this study was to investigate whether there is a correlation between the
teacher-child relationship and inhibition and verbal working memory among Dutch pre- schoolers. Secondly, it was measured which of these two correlations would be the strongest. This study included 217 preschoolers aged from four to seven and their teachers from different schools in the Netherlands with regular education. The teacher- child relationship was measured by a questionnaire, filled in by the teacher. Inhibition was measured by using the Stroop task and verbal working memory by the use of the Digit Span backward task. Current research shows that there is a positive significant correlation between both the teacher-child relationship and inhibition as the verbal working memory of pre-schoolers. In addition, it seems that there is no difference in strength between the correlation of the teacher-child relationship and verbal working memory and the correlation between the teacher-child relationship and inhibition of pre- schoolers. This outcome could raise the awareness of teachers regarding the influence of this social relationship as well as of the diverse educational needs of pre-schoolers to provide additional support. Further research is important to gain more insight in this correlation, while taking into account age differences and social desirability.