Negatieve Afhankelijke Life Events en Suïciderisico bij Adolescenten: De Rol van Depressieve Klachten en Sekse
Aim The aim of this study was to investigate the relation between dependent negative life events and suicide risk in adolescence, and whether this relation was mediated by depressive symptoms. Instead of only investigating the entire sample, separate analyses were also performed for boys and girls. Method 274 Dutch adolescents (M = 13.5 year) of seven schools participated in this study by filling in a questionnaire. Negative dependent life events were assessed by using the Dutch version of the ALEQ-R, suicidal risk was assessed by using the VOZZ-screen and depressive symptoms were assessed by using the Dutch version of
the CDI-II. Results Multiple regression analyses indicated a positive significant relationship between life events and suicide risk. This relationship was not mediated by depressive symptoms. These results were similar when the samples of boys and girls were investigated separately. Conclusion Consistent with existing literature, life events play a major role in the suicide risk of adolescents. This relationship does not proceed via depressive symptoms. The gained knowledge is useful to obtain insight in the possible risk factors for adolescents’ suicide risk.