Modelling smart charging in Dutch neighbourhoods. Developing an agent-based model to analyse the interaction between spot markets and smart charging
Due to growing usage of EVs and growing renewable generation in The Netherlands, smart charging is becoming an increasingly interesting solution to reduce charging costs and match supply and demand on spot markets. At the TU Eindhoven an agent-based model is developed to analyse the needs of charging infrastructure in Dutch neighbourhoods. This model is called the Agent-based model for buying, charging and driving of electric vehicles (ABCD-model). Since smart charging might become an important component of the dynamics of EV charging, it would be interesting to be able to simulate smart charging in the ABCD simulations. Therefore, the following research goal is stated: Develop a module for the ABCD model to simulate smart charging based on price optimisation in a neighbourhood.
To simulate smart charging, spot market prices are simulated to enable smart charging based on price optimisation. This research is proposing a new method to relate electricity prices to electricity demand and renewable generation. The smart charging module is using the spot market prices to make charge schedules for the EVs that are simulated in the ABCD neighbourhood. The spot market prices are also influenced by the charging demand of EVs, to assess the effect of charging on spot market prices. Relevant outputs of the model are: charging costs, load on the local grid, percentage renewable charged electricity and the change in spot market prices due to a increasing charging load. The model is validated with test scenarios and historical spot market prices.