Does it take two to tango? On Reciprocal Verbs as Collective Predicate Concepts.
Most works on reciprocity so far relied on the assumption that the intransitive variant of reciprocal verbs - e.g. Mark and Violet hugged – logically entails its two transitive counterparts: Violet hugged Mark and Mark hugged Violet. According to this view, symmetry is a logical consequence from reciprocity. In contrast with most previous analyses, I hypothesized that the relation between reciprocity and symmetry is not logical, but preferential. Results from two truth-value judgement tasks testing the acceptability of reciprocal verbs describing non-symmetric events confirmed my hypothesis. Results suggested that two factors positively influence the acceptability of reciprocal verbs: one factor is identical participation – the degree to which a group acts in an identical manner with respect to the action that a verb specifies; a second factor is collective intentionality – the degree to which a group has a shared intention and/or shared belief.