Perfectionisme en Depressieve Klachten bij Adolescenten: De Rol van Adaptieve en Maladaptieve Copingstrategieën
Aim Depression among adolescents is a common problem with negative consequences for the academic, social and emotional functioning of adolescents. According to previous research, perfectionism seems to be related to depressive symptoms. Only a few studies have examined the role of coping strategies in this relationship and particularly the role of adaptive coping strategies. Therefore, the aim of the current study was to examine the relationship between perfectionism and depressive symptoms in adolescence and the role of both adaptive and maladaptive coping strategies in this relationship. Method A sample of 285 Dutch adolescents (M = 13.52 years, SD = 0.61) completed the Frost Multidimensional Perfectionism Scale, the Children’s Depression Inventory-2 and the Cognitive Emotion Regulation Questionnaire. Results In line of our hypotheses, perfectionism, specifically maladaptive perfectionism, was related to a higher level of depressive symptoms among adolescents. Additionally, adaptive and maladaptive coping strategies moderated the relationship between (maladaptive) perfectionism and depressive symptoms. Conclusion These findings suggest that perfectionism contributes to the development of depressive symptoms among adolescents. The way adolescents cope with stress
influences this relationship. Adolescents experience more depressive symptoms when using maladaptive coping strategies and less symptoms when using adaptive coping strategies. It may be beneficial for interventions to focus on eliminating maladaptive perfectionism and enhancing adaptive coping strategies to reduce depressive symptoms.