Integration, Mobility and Connection: An Anthropological study of Expat Communities in the Netherlands
Expats represent a privileged class within society. By virtue of the economic capital that they possess, they are afforded specialized programs, infrastructure and mobility rights without the requirements of citizenship necessary for other immigrant groups to access these rights. This thesis argues that expats exist both within Dutch society and outside of it due to their global connections, leading to unique integration, mobility and connection experiences. Data for this research was gathered over three and a half months of fieldwork in Utrecht, the Netherlands using ethnographic techniques. This thesis will showcase the tension for expats between Dutch society and global culture by focusing first on how integration issues are experienced and coping strategies are developed. The development of global cities encourages expats to integrate into global culture instead of the broader local community that surrounds them. The thesis then focuses on how the highly mobile nature of expat life separates expats from other immigrant groups. This can lead expats to focus on integration to the global community in the short term. The limiting of mobility for long term expats is then shown to slowly encourage integration into local culture. Finally, the impact of online spaces is explored to show how they allow people to connect to others to understand local community and culture while also giving them the opportunity to connect globally back home and to many other people abroad. By focusing on how expats deal with issues of integration, mobility and connection this thesis highlights how expats live with the tension of local verses global culture.