The sexual rehabilitation needs of patients and spouses after stroke
Background: Sexual function often changes after stroke. Sexual rehabilitation is a
multidisciplinary concern. The most important treatment strategy in sexual rehabilitation is
to initiate open discussion about sexual changes. Although therapy is developed to
support patients with stroke and their spouses it is not addressed in the rehabilitation.
Research Questions: The main research questions were: “What sexual impairment do patients with stroke and their spouses experience in the two years after stroke, “What are the sexual rehabilitation needs of patients and spouses in the two years after stroke? “Do spouses experience caregiver burden?” and “What are the barriers for patients and spouses to inquire for help and rehabilitation concerning sexual impairments after stroke?
Methods: A descriptive cross-sectional survey was conducted and sent by mail to 331
patients with stroke and their spouses.
Results: Concerning sexual functioning after stroke, 67% of the patients experienced deterioration in sexual functioning. Patients and spouses (11-19%) indicated symptoms of depression and need further psychological assessment for the diagnosis of depression. Patients and spouses thought that healthcare professionals should discuss sexual changes (both 56%) and that information about sexuality should be given structurally and standardized (78-88%). The preference of patients and spouses(48-38%) for discussing sexual changes was the physician. The main barriers for seeking help were that their problems are not serious enough (38-75%).
Conclusion: Patients and their spouses frequently have sexual rehabilitation needs after stroke. They need more attention from healthcare professionals, need to receive more information after admission in the hospital and the healthcare professionals have to identify the possible barriers to support patients and spouses in seeking help.
Recommendations: Further research is also needed including lager samples of patients to investigate what therapeutic interventions has to be developed according the patients