Expressed Emotions van Ouders en Depressie bij Adolescenten: Self-Concept Clarity een Modererende rol?
This study examines Self-Concept Clarity as a possible moderator in the relationship between Expressed Emotions by parents and depression in adolescents. This study also examines the three direct relations. Data from the fifth wave of the longitudinal research project ' CONflicts And Management Of RElationships ' (CONAMORE) was used. The sample consists of 327 adolescents varying between 10 and 14 years (M =12.3), of which 159 were boys (48.6%) and 168 were girls (51.4%). Adolescents filled in three self-report questionnaires. In this study a high level of Expressed Emotions by parents appeared to be related to a high level of depression in adolescents. Also, a high level of Self-Concept Clarity related to a low level of depression in adolescents. In addition, Self-Concept Clarity moderates the relationship between Expressed Emotions by parents and depression in adolescents. However, there was only a moderating effect of Self-Concept Clarity for those with high level of Self-Concept Clarity. The results of this study suggest that the higher the level of Self-Concept Clarity in adolescents the lower the level of depression in adolescents when a high level of emotions are expressed by parents.