The effect of routine based screening for cognitive disorders on the healthcare for elderly: The Montreal Cognitive Assessment.
Background. Routine based conducting the Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCa) can lead to a more efficient use of the healthcare money through more noticed cognitive disorders, shorter treatment duration and less Neuro Psychological Assessment (NPA) at the elderly psychiatric department. Method. The test region conducted a MoCa at intake while in the control region the therapist continued their working method. First, the amount of cognitive disorders is compared between both regions along with the MoCa as predictor for cognitive disorders. Second the difference in NPA’s and the MoCa as predictor for an NPA was tested. Third, the treatment duration was compared using independent sample t-tests. Finally, the progression of the MoCa scores (∆MoCa) as a predictor for an NPA and the treatment duration was tested. Results. No differences were found between the control and test region on treatment duration, cognitive disorders and NPA. However, the MoCa appeared a significant predictor for cognitive disorders. Conducting (multiple) MoCa(‘s) appeared additionally a positive predictor for NPA and a negative predictor the treatment duration. Conclusion Although further research is needed to gain a better understanding of the impact of the MoCa routine wise, conducting the MoCa is effective in predicting cognitive disorders and thereby permits patients and their family to receive shorter specialised care which could be a more effective use of the healthcare money. Furthermore, a MoCa appears a predictor for an NPA for patients with a lower MoCa mean. A higher MoCa mean was however, a negative predictor for conducting an NPA.