Compassion, use it or lose it? Perceptions of novice nurses on compassion and the development of compassionate care: a qualitative approach
Title: Compassion, use it or lose it? Perceptions of novice nurses on compassion and the development of compassionate care: a qualitative approach
Background: Nurses and patients mention compassion as an explicit nursing value and indicator of quality care. Compassion is defined as a mirroring process in response to suffering. Although compassion is praised in nursing, there is a concern about the way compassion shows in practice. Therefore, there is a need for insight whether or not compassion in nursing practice flourishes or falters.
Aims: To explore how Dutch novice nurses perceive compassion within nursing care and gain insight in their strategies of sustaining and developing compassionate nursing care.
Methods: A generic qualitative design with an exploratory character was used. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with fourteen Dutch bachelor novice nurses with zero to five years of practical experience. Purposive sampling was used to recruit participants. Data analysis consisted of thematic analysis with an inductive approach.
Results: Analysis resulted in four themes. Participants mention compassion as a part of their professional identity. They balance between environmental influences that inhibit or facilitate the expression of compassion and their own perceptions. Various strategies as rebellion and conformity helped nurses to balance between these influences. If nurses succeeded in dealing positively with the influences, a professional development over time was experienced, that increased their awareness of compassion and professional identity. If not; insecurity, job dissatisfaction and a consideration to leave the profession was described.
Conclusion: Compassion is an essential part of developing a professional identity of novice nurses. Dealing with meaningful emotions and experiences broadened nurses’ personal awareness, stimulated a growth in their professional identity and awareness of compassionate care.
Implications: Novice nurses need support within education that builds empowerment and resilience in sustaining compassion. Furthermore, there is a need for role models and a corporative team-spirit in order to coach novice nurses in compassionate behaviour.