Benders' Decomposition vs.Column & Constraint Generation, a Closer Look
In this thesis an attempt is made to find out how the type of uncertainty (discrete
and finite or polyhedral) in
uences performance of Benders' decomposition
[4] and Column & Constraint Generation [24] when solving the demand robust
location-transportation problem. A generalization of Benders' decomposition is
presented to make it applicable to a large group of demand robust optimization
problems. Also, Column & Constraint Generation is adapted to be used
on discrete and finite uncertainty sets. In [24] it was shown that Column &
Constraint Generation is able to solve the problem a lot better than a standard
implementation of Benders' decomposition. The performance comparison for
discrete and finite uncertainty sets made in this thesis is new. On top of that,
a number of techniques for making Benders' faster are applied. Special attention
is paid to the role of the MIP-solver that is used as a black box for both