Knowledge of Writing and L2 Writing Performance
Writing instruction is based on the assumption that knowledge of writing and writing competence are related, and that an increase in the former will lead to an increase in the latter. However, although theory supports these assumptions, there has been little research into the role of knowledge during writing, especially for writing in a foreign language. This study therefore examined whether there is a relation between writing knowledge and text quality in the English writing of Dutch secondary school students. It was found that older students write better and that they have more and different knowledge of writing than students in their first year of secondary school. Better students give more advice about the writing process and about text characteristics, and less about mechanics. Furthermore, these three types of advice are all positively related to text quality. The relation between text quality and text characteristics and mechanics is stronger for better students. These findings support the recent shift towards process-oriented writing instruction, but show that text characteristics and mechanics should not be excluded. Furthermore, the link between knowledge of writing and writing competence opens up possibilities for separating the act of writing from learning about writing.