The Green Electric Mobility Tool - The development of an ex-ante assessment tool contributing to the advancement of eMobility in urban areas in middle-income countries.
This paper introduces the Green Electric Mobility (GEM-) tool, an ex-ante decision-making support tool to contribute to the successful implementation of electric mobility (eMobility) in urban areas in middle income countries. It provides a method to obtain an overview and evaluation of the local context before the introduction of eMobility, based on identified preconditions relevant for the successful introduction and diffusion of eMobility. Its application enhances the understanding of the (performance of the) innovation system in place, forming an essential first step in determining an optimal policy strategy. This knowledge can be used as starting point for the introduction of eMobility, therefore enhancing the chance of eMobility to become embedded in the local context and to lead to a structural transition towards an eMobility based transport system. This research presents the development of the blueprint of the GEM-tool, which can be seen as a first step towards an inclusive decision making support tool for local urban policy makers in middle income countries, interested in taking up eMobility.