La littérature en classe de FLE aux Pays-Bas et en Flandre : intérêts et pratiques
Title: Literary texts in French as a foreign language classes in the Netherlands and Flanders:
practices and benefits
This graduate thesis addresses four different subjects. Firstly, the reasons are examined why literary reading and an education how to read literature, might be useful to young people. This first part also investigates the relationship between reading in one’s maternal language, and reading in a foreign language. Secondly, this thesis studies the organization and results of literary education in French as a foreign language classes in Flanders, and compares them to Dutch practices. Thirdly, we surveyed 80 teachers of French as a foreign language in the Netherlands and Flanders, to explore their opinions on which francophone literary titles they consider to be suitable, or not, to be read by students during the last years of their secondary education. In this enquiry the teachers also answered some questions regarding their literary practices in the class. Finally, some quick scans of literary books are presented, which will form the basis for a francophone catalogue on This thesis is an integral part of three graduate theses on the subject of literary education in French as a foreign language classes.