Homonationalism in Sexuality Education?
An adjustment in the attainment goals (education goals set up by the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science) in 2012 made it compulsory for all primary and secondary schools in the Netherlands to teach their students about sexuality and sexual diversity. In this thesis I will research to what extent the new attainment goal sexuality and sexual diversity fits in the discourse of homonationalism in the Netherlands. I aim to answer the question: “To what extent can the attainment goal sexual diversity be connected to the discourse of homonationalism in the Netherlands?”. I will show how homonationalism is a problematic discourse in the contemporary Dutch multicultural discussion and how in the national minorities debate gender and sexuality are used to argue that Islamic and Dutch values are irreconcilable. This thesis will use a discourse analysis and several documents, including two teaching methods, to study to what extent the attainment goal can be connected to the discourse of homonationalism. The aim for this research is to be a manner to point out in what ways the attainment goal sexuality and sexual diversity could be improved and be more inclusive. My research shows that predominantly the implementation of the attainment goal, the teaching materials, is connected to the discourse of homonationalism in the Netherlands. With this study I will inform schools and publishers of teaching methods in what way their materials fit into the discourse of homonationalism in the Netherlands and how this can be, partly, avoided.