Orange Borders: the royal influence on Dutch-Jordan relations
This thesis examines the influence of Queen Beatrix and King Hussein and their personal connection on the Dutch-Jordan relations in the period 1980-1999. The research does not just focus on their involvement but also on the transnational aspect of this involvement. With the help of the theory of transnationalism the position of Queen Beatrix and King Hussein within their national political structure is examined. This thesis concludes that Queen Beatrix and King Hussein did pursue closer Dutch-Jordan ties out of personal preference. Hussein however was able to reunite his policy with national policy and therefore had no need to transcend the level of the national government. Queen Beatrix had very limited formal political power in this period but succeeded in influencing policy makers by using her personal connections, knowledge and position. She stretched her political role as far as possible and in some cases, e.g. Dutch-Jordan relations, her interpretation of her political role was simply too broad.