In hoeverre beïnvloeden ouders, broers en/of zussen en peers de uitvoering van de principes van de Vreedzame Wijk door kinderen?

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Busselmann, A.M.
Koen, E.C.M.
Makkenze, L.M.A.
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Background: To examine the relation between the influence of parents, siblings and the presence of peers and the principles of the “Vreedzame Wijk” in children a study in Volewijck is conducted. Hereby is studied whether the social norm of the theory of planned behavior is being transferred and an unambiguously pedagogical ambiance is created. Method: A mixed-method design is used to collect information through interviews. A total of 86 children, aged 7 to 13, have answered questions of interviews at playgrounds, schools, and other “vreedzame” activities. Results: There is a significant correlation between conflicts with siblings and conflicts in other situations. There is no significant association between the influence of parents, siblings and the presence of peers and sense of community. Participation in VW activities is correlated with the response of parents to their children when they participate in peaceful tasks. There is also an association between the cultural background of the parents and how much they talk about the VW at home, whereby parents of a non-western background speak most about it. Furthermore, the Code of the Street attitude has a negative influence on solving a conflict in a peaceful manner. Conclusion: There is not enough evidence to confirm the theory of planned behavior in Volewijck, because the social norms are not enough being transferred between children and their context. This indicates that the implementation of the VW in Volewijck is not completed yet.