Resistance to acaricides of Boophilus ticks from cattle in Ghana
A survey focusing on the presence of resistance of Boophilus ticks against three different types of acaricides was carried out in Ghana. The three types of acaricides were Amitraz, Deltamethrin and Cypermethrin. The principles of the larval packet test, written by the FAO, and the method of the University of the Free State, South Africa, were used to measure the percentage mortality produced by the acaricides. Fifty five engorged female ticks were collected in the Volta Region. The ticks were kept at a temperature of 27º C and a relative humidity greater than 75% to oviposit. Approximately 13,320 seven-to-fourteen day-old larvae were tested by 198 filter papers. The filter papers were impregnated according to the FAO practical field manual with six different acaricide concentrations in olive oil and chloroform, and one control without acaricide. Duplicate filter paper packets were prepared for each test assay. After examination, a mean mortality of 100% was found for both cypermethrin and deltamethrin at the recommended doses, which was written on the packaging of the acaricides. A mean mortality of 80.8% was found for Amitraz at the recommended dose. At a concentration twice higher than the recommended dose, all the larvae died. In conclusion, the results indicated the presence of low levels of resistance against Amitraz of Boophilus ticks from the Volta Region of Ghana.