EU Conditionality in Turkey - The instrumentalization of the European Union accession conditionality in Turkey, between 2005 and 2015.
Despite the fact accession conditionality is not as effective as it was in the period of candidacy between 2000-2005, both the European Union (EU) and Turkey present themselves as committed to the membership negotiations. Why does the EU continue to use conditionality despite the lack of credibility, something that is necessary for effective conditionality -according to other literature? This thesis tries to answer this question not only by looking at criteria that determine effectiveness of conditionality, but also by looking at possible alternative agenda’s for the EU and Turkey to keep the negotiation process alive. In that way it becomes clear that conditionality in the case of Turkey, does not necessarily serve as a tool that enables accession to the EU but rather as a foreign policy tool of the EU that works beneficial for both parties as long as they continue the negotiations. The implications of this research are of great importance for future EU policy, because it can change the perceived value of benefits and costs in the negotiation process.