Design guidelines for a virtual synthetic biology lab
Many currently developing scientific fields do not end up in secondary school laboratories, for, among others, equipment to perform research in these areas is expensive. Therefore, students are unable to experiment with new fields. One such fields is synthetic biology, in which scientist use elements of genetic information to develop whole new systems. The European Union funded SYNENERGENE project is currently developing a virtual lab to enable upper secondary students to experiment with synthetic biology. However, it is unknown what such virtual labs should look like. This study aims to find design guidelines for a virtual lab promoting conceptual and procedural knowledge on synthetic biology for upper secondary students. To do so, literature on the topic is reviewed, and two biology teacher trainers are interviewed. It becomes clear that among the most important guidelines is authenticity. The lab should focus on real scientific processes, and students should use real world equipment. Additionally, learning aims should be defined clearly, and the abstract and complex nature of synthetic biology should be dealt with using visualisations. When incorporating wishes of teachers, like low energy investment and coverage of curricular aims, the virtual synthetic biology lab has the potential to reconnect the secondary school curriculum with current scientific practice.