Magnetohydrodynamics at Heavy Ion Collisions
Quantum Chromo Dynamics (QCD) predicts a phase transition from ordinary hadronic matter to a system with new degrees of freedom at temperatures accessible in laboratory. One of the main observations which lead to a paradigm change in the field was the observation of large anisotropic flow. An important ingredient in heavy ion collisions is the so-called impact parameter which defines the distance between the centers of colliding ions. In these collisions of charged ions also large electromagnetic fields should be present which affect the evolution of the formed QGP. These fields generate charged currents in the QGP which induce a Hall effect and a Faraday effect. We will derive explicit expressions for the electromagnetic fields. The influence of these electromagnetic fields on the expansion of the QGP will be studied using relativistic viscous hydrodynamics. We will then show the influence of the electromagnetic fields on the directed, elliptic flow and triangular flow. We have obtained a solvable expression for any flow component vn.