Simulation analysis of neutral pions for the Forward EM Calorimeter
The aim of this project was to study how effectively neutral pions of high momenta and rapidities (η) can be identified with the Forward Calorimeter (ALICE-CERN). Monte Carlo simulations of single-pion and PbPb embedded data were made, considering detector geometry and interaction probabilities. The simulated data was analyzed using energy resolution graphs, invariant mass distributions and efficiency. An improvement of energy division by High Granularity Layer indication would benefit pion identification. The clustering algorithm could be improved for selection of second clusters. For embedded data, the efficiency plateau mean is 60-75% for 3.0<η<3.5 and 55% in the 3.5<η<4.0 range (vs 80-85% for single-particle data). Invariant mass distributions show a pronounced pion peak for all momenta and rapidities. Judging from that and the energy resolution, neutral pions can be identified with reasonable effectivity at high momenta and rapidity.