Het behandeleffect van de stabilisatie-interventies Resource Development Installation en Trauma Sensitieve Yoga bij mannen met beroepsgerelateerde complexe PTSS’
Current study tested the treatment effect of the stabilization-interventions resource development installation and trauma sensitive yoga among 20 men with a complex PTSD, which they have encountered during the practice of their profession. The treatment effect was measured in terms of symptoms, posttraumatic stress cognitions and quality of life. Also the possible influence of certain trauma specific, personal- and interpersonal factors on the treatment effect was studied. The participants were randomly assigned to groups (RDI or TSY) after which the interventions started. These interventions included three treatment sessions, which were conducted by qualified therapist, and a pre and posttest which contained a set of questionnaires. The results showed, among other things, a decline in PTSD symptoms and an increase in physical health. Also relationships between the degree of traumatization, the use of resources and the quality of the therapeutic alliance and the treatment effect were found. While implying these results, the psychometric limitations of the current study and the fact that it is one of the first studies focused on this subject, should be taken in consideration. Nevertheless this study indicates positive and promising treatment effects of the stabilization interventions RDI and TSY.