Relationship between the clinical findings, MRI findings and the efficiency of the prescribed drugs in Cavalier King Charles Spaniels with Chiari-like malformation and syringomyelia (CM/SM).
CM is a combination of malformation of the hindbrain and the surrounding caudal cranial fosssa and a consequential herniation of part of the cerebellum and brainstem into or through the foramen magnum reported in small breed dogs. SM is currently defined as a condition that results in the development of fluid-containing cavities within the parenchyma of the spinal cord as a consequence of abnormal cerebrospinal fluid movement. In this study the association between the findings on MRI and the reported clinical signs were investigated, this was done by using a hard copy survey about clincial signs observed by cavalier king charles spaniel (CKCS) owners that were scanned and MRI findings of those 848 CKCS. It appeared that there were nog significant relationships between the observed clincial signs and the grade of CM/SM found on the MRI scans. The owners were also asked about the efficiency of the prescribed drugs in their dogs, because of a lack of response, no conclusions could be drawn from this question.