Aandacht voor het domein van zingeving door huisartsen bij hun oudere patiënten.
The subject of this master thesis is the attention of general practioners to the domain of meaning (a sense of purpose) in their older patient population. The study aimed to provide knowledge and insights regarding the attention and sensitivity of general practioners to meaning during their work. These insights are likely relevant for social organisations for example COiL in Nijmegen, who mediate in extra mural spiritual care for those who have questions and issues concerning meaning. This thesis contains a discussion of literature and the report of an empirical study. The focus of the empirical study was to describe best practices. The report describes three observation-interview combinations and two interviews concerning best practices. The overall conclusion of this thesis is that knowledge about and interest in (the value of attention to) meaning by general practioners probably result in a more open attitude to themes of meaning when they occur.