Kan ik u ergens mee helpen? Vaststellen van spirituele zorgbehoeften bij patiënten die zijn opgenomen in een algemeen ziekenhuis.
In this thesis the author attempts to contribute to answering the question how spiritual needs can be determined in hospitalized patients in a general hospital. At present there is no generally accepted efficient instrument to determine these needs, which means that the spiritual needs of a number of patients might not be acknowledged, resulting in the possibility that adequate spiritual care is not being offered. The authors’ goal in this thesis is to try to contribute to developing such an instrument.
To be able to make recommendations a questionnaire was designed to make an inventory as to how Dutch spiritual caregivers in general hospitals determine spiritual needs in their patients. The questionnaire was distributed among 281 spiritual caregivers in Dutch general hospitals, of whom 82 professionals responded. The results of this empirical research show that next to none of the Dutch spiritual caregivers makes use of any instrument to determine spiritual needs. 100% Of Dutch spiritual caregivers prefer to listen to the biography of the patient, reacting to their narrative by asking questions, mostly about the experiential dimension or about the way patients cope. Although a patient centred approach without an agenda, a sanctuary, where the patient can speak confidentially about meaning and incomprehensibility of his disease, peace and dissatisfaction, moral and ethical issues, values, goals and spirituality, is commendable, the author feels that the use of scientifically validated instruments can enhance the wellbeing of the patients as well as strengthen the position as spiritual care professionals in an environment under the pressure of financial cuts.
The thesis describes a distinction found in literature, between a spiritual screening and a spiritual biography. A spiritual screening tool is an instrument, relatively easy to use for other disciplines such as nurses, which is meant to determine if someone is going through a spiritual crisis and therefore needs to be referred to a spiritual care professional. A spiritual biography consists of having a conversation with a patient to get a better understanding of his spiritual needs and resources. The author recommends doing more scientific research concerning the suitability of the screening tool developed by Fitchett and Risk (1999) in the Dutch context. Use of such a screening tool could maximize the existing cooperation between nurses and spiritual caregivers.
Literature also shows that many instruments have been developed to determine spiritual needs. In this thesis 7 of these instruments are evaluated, leading to the conclusion that after minor adaptation and scientific validation, 2 of these instruments are suitable for the Dutch context. The author recommends that these instruments, namely the Distress Thermometer, translated in Dutch as ‘de Lastmeter’, and an instrument developed in the Netherlands called ‘het Nijmeegse model’, should be further researched and validated for use in the Netherlands.