Institutions and the Societal Acceptance of Genetically Modified Crops in Emerging Economies: The Case of Brazil, India and China
An important aspect of the debate on global inequality is the discussion on food security. Genetically modified organisms (GMOs) play an important role in this debate, because they might provide a way for the economic South to increase their agricultural productivity and subsequently start to close the ‘food gap’ with the West. This thesis examines how institutions play a role in the societal acceptance of GMOs in emerging economies, in particular in Brazil, India and China. For this thesis twelve expert interviews were conducted. It was concluded that there are three types of institutions that – when over- or underdeveloped – can cause negative externalities for GMOs in emerging economies. The three categories of institutions are intellectual property right protection (1), food safety and environmental regulation (2), and, finally, informal institutions like having a societal debate on GMOs (3). Negative externalities resulting from the under- or overdevelopment of these institutions can affect the societal acceptance of GMOs.