Veterinaire bedrijfsbegeleiding: (mis)match tussen behoeften van veehouder en dierenarts
This study was conducted to answer the next question: ‘in which level meets the veterinairy advice to the needs of veterinarians and farmers’. Two researchers have visit 29 cattle practitioners throughout the Netherlands to be present at a veterinary advice visit at 30 farmers. The conversation between them is recorded with a voice-recorder. The veterinarians and farmers have also filled in a questionnaire. We find that the majority of veterinarians (69%) and farmers (91%) are satisfied with the veterinary advice. 96% of the farmers and 87% of the veterinarians is satisfied about the communication. Veterinarians ask in 33% of the farmers never or rarely for the wishes of the farmer concerning veterinar advice. 16% of the veterinarians mentioned as reason for this that the farmer indicate his wishes himself. There is although a significant difference (p-value = 0,005) in level in which the veterinarian expect that the farmer indicate his wishes and the farmer this really does. There is a positive correlation between the degree of which the veterinarian ask at the wishes of the farmer and the farmer indicate his wishes himself (p-waarde = 0,001). The level of knowledge of the veterinarian agree with the expectations of the farmer in 91% of the cases. Economics and nutrition are mentioned by the veterinarian as topics on which knowledge is insufficient. Evaluation of veterinary advice is performed by 43% of the veterinarians. It can be concluded that farmers and veterinarians are satisfied about the veterinary advice and so this meets the needs of both in a high level. Recommendations to the veterinarians to align the veterinary advice more with the needs of the farmer and the veterinarian consist of asking specific to wishes and needs of the farmer, set goals, understanding of reasons why advice may not be followed and perform evaluation of veterinary advice.