De Vreedzame Wijk Bevorderende en belemmerende factoren ten aanzien van het toepassen van mediatie op straat door kinderen uit groep 7 en 8 van verschillende basisscholen in Kanaleneiland te Utrecht
The municipality of Utrecht implemented the ' Peaceable School program' in Utrecht in 2010. Due to the promising results of the program, voices have been raised to implement the same program in different districts in Utrecht, including Kanaleneiland. As a result, a new program has been developed in addition to the already existing ' Peaceable School' named: ' The Peaceable Neighborhood' . The current study focuses on one aspect of this program in particular, namely: the use of peer mediation in the streets. The aim is to examine what the barriers and facilitators are regarding to applying mediation in the streets. 30 children from the 7th and 8th grade in serveral elementary schools in ' The Peaceable Neighborhood' Kanaleneiland have been interviewed, using a face-to-face questionnaire. The results indicates that the following aspects may be seen as a facilitator: a high degree of parental involvement, a high degree of participation of the child and a positive experience of mediation. Next to these outcomes, the results didn' t indicate any significant gender differences in the appliance of the mediation in the streets. There also wasn' t a correlation between the ' Code of the Street' and the appliance of peer mediation. The Theory of Planned Behavior is used by the researchers to examine the reason why children apply mediation in the streets. The results indicate the perception of own abilities as the main reason for children to use mediation in the streets.