Personality, coping, and PTSD severity among Dutch veterans: a mediation analysis
Abstract: This study examines how personality and
coping influence PTSD severity among 182 Dutch
veterans. Neuroticism, Extraversion, and
Conscientiousness were associated with different coping
strategies, and these were in turn associated with PTSD
severity. As expected, Neuroticism predicted higher PTSD
severity and Extraversion predicted lower PTSD severity.
Conscientiousness was not significantly related to PTSD
severity. Passive coping predicted higher PTSD severity,
Active coping and Seeking social support were not
associated with PTSD severity. It was found that the
relationship between Neuroticism and PTSD severity is
mediated by Passive coping. This study is the first to
examine such a mediation effect and discusses
implications for future research and practical