Pesten op sportverenigingen. De prevalentie van pesten op sportverenigingen en de visie van kinderen ten aanzien van pestgedrag en aanpak
Most previous research on peer-agression focused on the school context, but has not been taking the sportsclubs into account. Current study investigated the difference in prevalence and nature of peer-agression by children between 10 and 12 years old focusing on the sportsclub and the way in which peer-aggression can be prevented or countered. A quantitative analysis has been conducted by administering a questionnaire under 161 Dutch children to investigate the prevalence of different types of peer-aggression roles and how they are connected to types of sport and gender. In addition, a qualitative analysis has been conducted by interviewing 21 children to provide insight in the vision of the children and how they expierence the trainers' approach towards peer-aggression. The results show that the children had inconsistent answers about peer-aggression at the sportsclub, but most agreed that the approach of the trainer and sportsclub towards peer-aggression was not sufficient.