Prevalence of avian influenza and identification of risk factors in poultry collector facilities in Cipunagara, Indonesia
Avian influenza is an endemic disease in Indonesia and outbreaks of highly pathogenic avian influenza resulted in high mortality rates in poultry flocks and economic losses.
Due to the outbreaks in 2005 a partnership program was established between the Ministry of Agriculture in Indonesia and the Dutch Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality (LNV) to assist the Indonesian government in the control of HPAI in Indonesia. The aim is to assist local veterinarians and farmers to improve control measures and to get insight in the epidemiological characteristics of the HPAI infection which might also contribute to improving existing control strategies. The greatest threat in spreading the disease is mechanical transmission, especially due to human involvement by transferring infective organic material from infected to susceptible birds by movement of personnel, equipment and vehicles between farms.
The aim of this multi-intervention project was to investigate the incidence of HPAI and to examine the most important causes of morbidity and mortality among poultry flocks located in this district. In addition, risk factors which may contribute to the occurrence of disease were identified.
Although no HPAI was found in this research area it is still very important to improve hygiene and other preventive measures in order to avoid possible future spread of disease.