The Relationship between Education and the Labor Market in the Current Context of Sub-Saharan Africa
This research analyzes the relationship between education and the labor market for adolescents
in Sub-Saharan Africa. The human capital theory is used to examine this relationship. This
research used scientific literature, policy documents and interviews with representatives of
different sectors. Difficulties in this relationship exist on both the side of education as well as on
the side of the labor market. There is a mismatch between the supply of education and the
demand of the labor market in the current context of Sub-Saharan Africa. Additionally, attention
is paid to skills and the attitude which adolescents must possess when making the transition to
the labor market. Further, attention is paid to initiatives that exist to improve this relationship. A
case study of the NICHE program sheds light on this relationship and reveals how they link
education and training to the demand of the labor market. It can be concluded that improvements
in the relationship between education and the labor market are necessary. It is important that
sectors collaborate in order to reduce the mismatch.