Ouderbetrokkenheid in het middelbaar beroeps onderwijs
The drop-out rate in the intermediate vocational education is quite high. Parental involvement plays an important role in preventing school drop-out and in improving student school success. The aim of this study was to find out to what extent parental involvement exists in school and at home and to formulate points of attention to increase parental involvement. In order to reach this aim a qualitative determinants analysis was completed. Data were obtained from 77 students with questionnaires and from 9 parents and 13 teachers through in-depth interviews. It was found that parental involvement is considered important in intermediate vocational education. The results showed that teachers face a language barrier with immigrant parents and they wish they have a digital program for parents so they can keep up with their child’s progress. Parents believe they get involved too late and wish they have more contact with teachers. A recommendation is to set up guidelines for teachers when and how they should contact parents.