Een Skillslab laparoscopie simulator voor gezelschapsdieren
Laparascopic surgery has become well established as a diagnostic and treatment modality in veterinary medicine. Benefits of this minimally invasive technology include reduced pain, quicker return of oral intake, shorter hospitalizations and improved cosmetic results. Laparoscopic simulators provide surgeons with the opportunity to enhance their motor skills without risk to patients; an essential part of performing this kind of surgery. This is why I develloped a laparoscopic simulator specific for the Skillslab of the small animal section of the veterinary medicine department at the University Utrecht. The purpose of this simulator is to give surgeons the opportunity to train general skills of endoscopic surgery and some specific laparoscopic interventions. In this paper I describe the background of laparoscopic surgery and simulation in general and the development and building of this specific laparoscopic simulator for companion animals.