Culturele Hoofdstad van Europa Een onderzoek naar de communicatiestrategie en de langetermijneffecten
This master thesis focuses specifically on the event European Capital of Culture (ECOC). Athens was the first ECOC in 1985, and after Glasgow in 1990 the event became a popular goal for former industrial cities or small, anonymous provincial towns everywhere in Europe to put themselves on the map of prominent European cultural cities. However, the event itself – as well as other mega events or flagship projects – is not enough to completely change the (image of) the city. Most important is that the event or project must be part of a long term vision and policy for culture in the city, where the event or project is just a dot on the line of the long term progression. Second, it has to fit within the city and its character. For example, a museum about music in a city that has never brought forth any serious band or musician will be useless. The event has to fit within the cities character ánd its long term policy to be truly successful.