Stimulating visitor experience in museum exhibits dealing with the micro world
In this report, the evaluation of the new interactive exhibit the Cell Zoomer is discussed. The Cell Zoomer, in Naturalis Biodiversity Center in Leiden, the Netherlands, is used as a case study for exhibits dealing with the micro world, to find characteristics of the exhibit that stimulate visitor experience.
The study shows that visitors capable of interacting with the Cell Zoomer were very positive about its design. Especially the interactivity and the physical component therein were considered to aid visitors in their experience. However, due to the minimal instructions, many visitors had trouble finding out how to use the exhibit.
It is concluded that interactivity (especially for the younger public) and clear instructions are very important characteristics of exhibits to stimulate visitors’ experience on the micro world. Additional stimulating characteristics are the use of real pictures, the presence of physical components in the interactive features and an attractive look, which can be created by a large size and moving images.