Performance of a multi-agent greedy algorithm in a cooperative game with imperfect information
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is slowly integrating into our
everyday lives. Some of these AI applications must cooperate
with humans and each other. Such cooperation is essential for
the safety of people in contact with these AIs. This proves to
be difficult, due to the sheer amount of uncertainty in the real
world. The virtual environments in games are a safe starting
place for the research and development of AI capabilities such
as cooperation in imperfect information environments.
However, cooperative games with imperfect information are an
uncommon topic for AI, which is why we have researched such
a game called The Crew. We implemented the card game into
a program and made an AI that can play it using different
algorithms. We experimented with a random algorithm, a
cooperative multi-agent greedy algorithm called CoopGreedy,
and a competitive multi-agent greedy algorithm called
CompGreedy. These algorithms also incorporated heuristics to
improve their performance. Our results showed that
CoopGreedy outperformed the other algorithms considerably.
CoopGreedy in combination with the Expected Value Hand
Estimation Heuristic and the Longest Suit Higher Card Goal
Selection Heuristic also noticeably improved performance. We
also found that CoopGreedy performed better with perfect
information than with imperfect information. Our findings
indicate that cooperation and heuristics improved performance
significantly, but that imperfect information impedes AI
performance. We can derive from our experiment that
CoopGreedy could be used as a benchmark algorithm for
further research. We recommend future research on local
search and learning algorithms for The Crew.