Relatie tussen getalbegrip bij kleuters van groep 1 en 2 van het reguliere basisonderwijs en de thuissituatie
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Dieterman, A.
Breugel, A.C. van
Erkelens, J.S.
Pars, F.M.
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Background: Several studies emphasize the relationship between early numeracy and the home environment. This study investigates the relationship between early numeracy and three aspects of the home environment from preschoolers: parents’ educational level, the child’s birth order and home stimulation. Furthermore, the difference between boys and girls on early numeracy will be studied. Aim: The aim of this study is to build on earlier research to assess whether home environment has a relationship with early numeracy. This will be done by studying 102 preschoolers and their parents, by using the Utrechtse Getalbegrip Toets – Revised (UGT-R) for preschoolers, and a customized questionnaire for parents. Results: There has not been demonstrated a relationship between early numeracy and home environment. Parents’ educational level, however, showed a negative significant relationship with early numeracy, against preliminary expectations. There were no significant differences found between boys and girls. Conclusion: From this study, it can be concluded that there is no relationship between home environment and early numeracy and no differences between boys and girls on early numeracy. Results from this study cannot be generalized to the population, due to some limitations.