The possibility for micro algae based biofuel production on Bonaire
Microalgae are a promising alternative source of lipid and biofuel production in the future. Renewable, carbon neutral, transport fuels are necessary for environmental and economic sustainability. Microalgae based biofuel production on Bonaire is very interesting due to the location and potential. Bonaire is considered to be a “near ideal” algal cultivation site, having very high solar irradiation throughout the year. A Case study with an overview of all the possibilities of microalgal cultivation on Bonaire can be made relatively easy because of the small size of the tropical island (281 km²).
Microalgal growth for the commercial production of biodiesel has not been done yet in Holland yet. It is not grown commercially because it is still not economically feasible to produce microalgae on a large scale in Holland. The costs to experiment with the production of microalgae on Bonaire are up to 50 % more economic (Norsker et al, 2010). This case study will give an indication on the costs and benefits of algae based biofuel production on Bonaire.
Comparing the pros and cons of different types of photo bioreactors or raceway ponds shall be done in this specific case study on Bonaire. This includes the calculated costs of the different microalgae biomass production methods. Moreover, the specific costs for the external input that is needed for algal production (e.g. sweet/salt water, nutrient and energy addition), can be assessed specifically for Bonaire. An “in depth” study on Bonaire shall be done when this proposal is accepted. All possibilities shall be analyzed and a best case scenario shall be proposed as an outcome of the study.