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dc.contributor.advisorBlok, Dr. C.A.
dc.contributor.advisorLemmens, Dr. Ir. R.L.G.
dc.contributor.authorKeijzer, S.C.
dc.description.abstractThis research deals with the effects of digitizing spatial plans. Spatial plans are considered as spatial policy expressed as maps and text. Focusing on the maps, the research shows that uncertainty is part of the nature of spatial plans. Much of this uncertainty is related to scale. Its impact increases in a digital setting. The research presents alternative designs for three maps taken from a case. They are implemented in a web viewer, based on OGC specifications. The visualization changes according to the scale at which it is viewed. In a survey the concepts of visualizing uncertainty, the maps and the suitability of OGC specifications are evaluated. The results show that respondents believe that uncertainty can and should be visualized in digital spatial plans.
dc.description.sponsorshipUtrecht University
dc.format.extent4499352 bytes
dc.titleVisualizing scale related uncertainty in web maps for spatial planning
dc.type.contentMaster Thesis
dc.rights.accessrightsOpen Access
dc.subject.keywordsgis, gima, map, cartography, spatial planning, ruimtelijke ordening, nederland, netherlands, overheid, government, visualization, geo information, visualisation, uncertainty, onzekerheid, ogc, sld, styled layer descriptor, web mapping, scale, generalization,
dc.subject.courseuuGeographical Information Management and Applications (GIMA)

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